PNW INSIDER!! The Local Sky High Love Story! The photographer's view of Alaska Airlines flight 461!

Exclusive Interview with Christina Frees of Frees It In Time Photography

Everything about Jim and Kristy Larsens story pulls at your heart strings! Its a fairytale story brought to life before our eyes. Being able to share in their special moments because of the photos, gave me some inspiration to reach out to my close friend Christina Frees of Frees it in Time Photography. Tina and I have been great friends through our time as flight attendants- traveling the world together and talking all things wedding! Being both a flight attendant and a wedding coordinator, I have a special appreciation for both sides of this story- in the same way Tina does. That's why the Its Your Day Events team checked in with her to hear her side of the event and take a look at this inspiring story from the photographers vantage point!

IYD: How do you know the couple?

Christina: I'm a flight attendant for the same airline. I met Kristy at work. Shortly after, I met her now husband Jim. We became fast friends and they have spent time with my family and extended family.

IYD:  What was the biggest adjustment you made to do a wedding on an airplane?

Christina: If you've ever flown on an airplane then you know that the lighting is terrible! It's so hard to move since the aisle is only 22'' and unlike a "traditional" venue, there is no way to move around to get that perfect angle. You have to make the most of what you've got. It's also not the prettiest of venues so my goal was to shoot with a beautiful 85mm fixed lens to get close in shots focusing on the emotion and story of the bride and groom!

IYD: How did this all come about? Was it all a surprise for Billie Jo?

Christina: Kristy called me and said they were planning a last minute wedding because her mother had a break in her cancer treatments. They were bringing her up to Seattle and she was working on a venue but it was a secret. She asked if I had the day off from flying and if I would do pictures. Of course, I said yes with no hesitation but didn't really know what I was getting myself into.  I didn't find out it was going to be on the plane until the week before!

Kristy didn't tell her mom the plan until we were boarding the flight and it was obvious something was going to be a little different about the flight to Seattle. It was a wonderful surprise. I think her moms words were "pretty spectacular". 

IYD:  What was the most memorable moment for you?

Christina: I have never photographed a wedding where the people attending the wedding didn't know they were going to be part of such an emotional and intimate moment. None of the 165 passengers knew the couple and everyone was so excited to share in their love. It was so amazing to see people come together to celebrate a beautiful love story and touching moment with Jim, Kristy and her mom Billie Jo

IYD: One last thing that you'd like to share?

Christina: The best wedding photos come out of people sharing their emotion and joy with each other and those around them. You can have the perfect setting and pose but it's the love between two people and intimate moment shared that draws people in and tells your story!


Cheers to that! The celebration of love between Kristy and Jim was of course the highlight of this touching story- but the driving force behind it was the love for Mama Billie Jo. Everyone take a minute today to kiss your significant other and give your mom an extra squeeze...this is the feel good story of the year!

All Photos courtesy of Frees It In Time Photography