Bride in Recovery? How To Throw A Sober Bachelorette Party


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written by Brittany Fisher


A bachelorette party is a staple event before a wedding. Sometimes, people view it as important as the wedding itself. The bachelorette party is the last hurrah, so to speak, for the bride's single life, and while there isn’t a specific way to do it, there are some favorite traditions.


These parties often involve alcohol, but a sober bachelorette party is a popular alternative for brides who don’t drink. The maid of honor is typically responsible for planning and hosting these parties, but taking into account the needs of a bride in recovery can make the job a bit more challenging. That does not mean, however, that you can’t successfully throw a memorable bachelorette party for the bride-to-be. It’s Your Day Events offers the following tips so you can pull off a great party to honor your friend.


With the Bride in Mind


As the maid of honor, talk with the bride about the details of the event. Things like the guest list and timing are often up to the bride, so her input is needed in the planning stages. Ask her about activities she’d like to do and if there’s anything you should avoid as a part of her recovery—places she used to go, triggers, etc.


Your bride may be okay going to a restaurant where alcohol is served and having guests that drink in moderation. Or your bride may want to completely avoid alcohol, and you may need to help her cope with any stress if she encounters a trigger during the festivities. Understanding her triggers and how others can help may need to be shared with the party’s attendees.


Trim the Guest List


Not everyone is going to be okay with the idea of a sober bachelorette party. Keep in mind that there may be some people who may try to pressure the bride into drinking or may be upset that she isn’t drinking. Make it very clear that it’s the bride’s party, and she is in charge of what she wants to do.


When inviting guests, state on the invitation that it will be an alcohol-free event for the bride, and also state whether or not alcohol will be permitted. While this may impact who does or does not attend, disclosing that information up front will help the bride tremendously.


Where To Go, What To Do


Talk with the bride and get her input when you brainstorm. Together, you can come up with some fantastic ideas for a sober bachelorette party. You can go for a girls’ weekend approach, where it’s more of a vacation over a few days than a party in one evening. A resort spa, an interest-related retreat, or a special event can each be an option for a sober bachelorette party because they don’t require alcohol to be fun.


Of course, you also don’t have to go out on the town or even leave the area. You can host the party at your home. This allows for more control over what happens, so it may be the best option to avoid triggers. The bride, depending on her interests, may also be more comfortable at someone’s home than out at a restaurant or spa.


If you feel overwhelmed planning a sober bachelorette, you can always get some outside help to put together a great bash. Wedding planners, It’s Your Day Events is well-versed in wedding-related gatherings, and they can work with you to create a memorable party for the bride-to-be.


If your friend in recovery is about to get married, as the maid of honor, you may be concerned about how to throw a great sober bachelorette party. But don’t worry, your friend asked you because she trusts you. Repay that trust by involving the bride in planning her bachelorette party. Whether you elect to do a weekend away with the bridal party, or have a fun and relaxing night in, these simple steps will help you throw the party she deserves.

Written by Brittany Fisher

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